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The Edgar Allan Poe Australia Society

Edgar Allan Poe Australia aims to share and celebrate Poe's work and highlight the influence he has had on artists and individuals here in Australia.


Whilst Poe never made a trip to Australia during his life time, over the years, his work has had a profound impact on Australian Literature and Theatre. There have been numerous Australian productions dedicated to his work, journalistic write ups, reviews and his poems and short stories are still part of the recommended reading syllabus at many Australian Secondary schools and Universities.

This page is designed to share Poe inspired Australian work, and international work also. There are some incredibly dedicated Societies in the United States who work very hard to preserve his memory...and it's about time Australian fans had a place to celebrate Poe and share the love too!

If you are an epic Poe fan, a new reader of his stories, or (god forbid!) have never read his work, we hope to give you a deeper insight into his life and times and encourage people to share with us Poe inspired work of any nature. This will be a place of no judgment. It is all for the love of Poe

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